My name is Justin Handlin and I am Director of Sponsorship for West Point Little League. I am writing to let you know of an opportunity to save money on your registration this coming Spring. We are hoping to increase the number of companies that sponsor West Point Little League and use that money to improve the facilities. We are hoping some of the parents may own a company, may work for a company or may know a friend or family that owns or works for a company that may want to sponsor West Point. If you bring in a sponsorship of at least $100, you will receive a discount of $10 on your registration. If you bring in a sponsorship of $350, you receive a discount of $35. If you bring a sponsorship of at least $1000, your registration will be free.
We have levels of sponsorships that I have listed below, but these are guidelines and we will not turn down any company that wants to help West Point. Any company that gives any amount of money will have their company name on the as well as a link to their company web site. We will also have a banner to be hung by the concession stand listing every company that is a sponsor of West Point. West Point is a 501(c) organization so any sponsorship will be tax deductible and a receipt will be provided. We hope that you might be able to talk to friends or family that would like to help our organization. If you are able to secure a sponsorship, please contact me at [email protected].
Justin Handlin
Director of Sponsorships
WPLL Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship 1st Year Renewal Benefits
Teammate $50 $50 Provide a snack for
Challenger Players
Coach $100 $75 A link from our web page
to your company web page
Single $250 $225 Your company name
on a Challenger T-shirt
Double $275 $235 Your company on a Tee-ball
Or Rookie team t-shirt
Triple $350 $275 Your logo or slogan on a
4’x 8’ banner
Home Run $600 $500 Your logo on a 4’ x 8’ banner
and your name on a T-shirt
Grand Slam $2,000 Metal signage on a
scoreboard for 3 years